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Hard-cover Edition of the Webpack Book and Training


Print on Demand services like KDP are ideal for self-publishers like me as they take a lot of pain out of the process. You don’t have to worry about printing or distribution. It’s not free money as you still have to worry about marketing and getting your work noticed.

To experiment with an option, I had a hard-cover edition of the webpack book made a while ago. Doing this gave me insight into the process and helped me to understand the cost structure, so it’s easier to repeat the process if it seems worthwhile.

It is surprisingly expensive to get a thick book (499 pages) printed and delivered from a remote location like Finland. My trial run was 40 copies of the book, and I have twenty copies left to sell.

How to Get a Copy?

To account for the logistics and “rarity”, I decided to price this edition at $100 per piece. You can get two for $150. To keep it fair, I include 30 minutes remote consulting in the price. Let me solve a hard problem for you or at least push you in the right direction.

If you want one of the remaining copies, let me know and I’ll get one sent to you after payment has gone through.

Due to logistic issues, the books don’t come with a signature. But if we meet, I’ll be happy to sign the book for you.

Webpack Training

As I’ve been completing my second tour, this has been a good chance to improve my training offering. I’ve pushed it to include more exercises, and I also redid most of my React material. I also have a two-day version of the webpack material. One day can be too intense especially with a mixed group of people.

I’m organizing workshops in three places with the help of local partners. See the links below if you want to participate. The pricing depends on the location.

  • webpack in Vienna, Austria - 100 euros or more for beginner workshop (full day), 200 euros or more for advanced workshop. I’m going to try kind of “pay what you want” pricing based on satisfaction here. Both take a full day.
  • webpack in Augsburg, Germany - Prices for a full day begin from 399 euros. It is cheaper when you participate to both.
  • webpack in London, UK - Two-hour super-condensed workshop for FullStack 2017.

Let me know if you want a workshop in your city (preferably within Europe). Maybe we can organize something. We should also do a free meetup session then too.

Webpack Book Extras

To reward the paying readers of my webpack book, I’ve added two extras to Leanpub edition.

The first extra contains a two-page cheat sheet with the book essentials in a condensed format you can print out. I give signed copies to my workshop participants and random people I might encounter during my travels.

I compiled the second extra based on QA sessions I’ve been running with Tobias. It’s a roughly twenty-page document full of answers to hard webpack questions.


There is still more work for me to do (next book for instance) but things are rolling in a good direction. I hope to announce more in the next status update! Enjoy the extras.
